Yaya Toure engages fans via Twitter
Yaya Toure’s discussion with EA on Twitter proved to be very interesting to his fans
Twitter and other Social Media tools have proved many times to be very effective to interact with fans and to get their attention. When celebrities and athletes are involved, brands usually take the opportunity to raise awareness and to gain exposure. This is exactly what happened with Yaya Toure and EA in this example that is provided.
It all started when a fan wrote a tweet to EA, complaining about Yaya Toure’s stats in their football game FIFA14. Yaya Toure replied to the tweet from the fan claiming that it must have been a mistake, because he was also expecting the stats to be higher. When EA realized that Toure thought he deserved more, they upgraded his stats, taking benefit of the action to engage with their fans.
With Toure’s twitter discussion EA got over 35k RT, #YayaFUT trended no.1 in UK on April 16th 2014 and Hashtag was used over 47,000 times.