Andrés Iniesta gives hope with CaixaBank


FC Barcelona star Andrés Iniesta is the new face of “La Caixa”  entity of the financial group CaixaBank -. This campaign will grant 4,000 million in consumer loans, through which it will provide four million customers various options of preapproved loans. Iniesta was before the ambassador of BBVA, another of the leaders in the financial markets. Although not unusual in the industry it’s still surprising to see movements like this one or Messi changing Samsung for its competitor Huawei.

According to Juan Alcaraz, representative of CaixaBank, “With this release we want our customers to make their projects possible and, therefore, try to reflect ourselves in Andrés Iniesta as a major dream creator.” In addition, ” Iniesta represents a lot of shared values with CaixaBank , such as leadership , effort, teamwork , commitment and solidarity , also present in the campaign values ,” concludes Alcaraz.

A number of TV ads have been released in the past month starring Andrés Iniesta and taking advantage of the momentum generated by the Euro 2016. Below these lines a few examples can be seen, showing how much different content can be obtained with a football player if the plannification is good.

CaixaBank – “We make your dreams come true”

CaixaBank – “We help you finance your studies”

CaixaBank – “Car”

CaixaBank – “Works at home”


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