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Etiam ut ante gravida, eleifend tortor in, congue leo. Ut suscipit iaculis metus, vitae volutpat sem feugiat vel. Nam congue ipsum sit amet lectus tempus, eget pulvinar leo rutrum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Proin pretium luctus mauris sed convallis. Praesent consectetur arcu nec sem luctus, ac sodales dolor bibendum. Cras vestibulum pharetra mi vitae pulvinar. Integer varius cursus dignissim. Maecenas sed vestibulum sapien. Sed id metus neque. Suspendisse orci risus, imperdiet quis augue mollis, volutpat laoreet enim. Quisque pellentesque tempor gravida. Vestibulum non ultrices tellus, nec tempor odio. Morbi feugiat libero eu lorem varius ultrices. Pellentesque sem ex, fringilla non tellus quis, hendrerit aliquam velit. Nullam pharetra sit amet lectus ut rutrum.

We are glad to share with you the launch of our new player valuation tool, Football Value Index by Prime Time Sport, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Soccerex. This tool intends to get established as an independent source of information for the valuation of most important asset at a football club: the players.  

Upon engagement by Soccerex, Prime Time Sport has produced the first Euopean ranking of young players in terms of value. 

Donlowad full report at Publications / Other Projects or through this link: Full report




New Esteve Calzada's article published today in Marca newspaper. You can download at Press articles / Marca reports by Esteve Calzada or through this link:

La nueva Vecchia signora

You can also find it in the blog Esteve Calzada